Partner Institutions
Dokkyo University is proud to offer academic exchange programs in partnership with various universities around the world. Our programs include short- and long-term student exchange programs as well as faculty and staff exchange programs for academic and professional advancement. We also take great pride in providing an enriching environment for the exchange students who study at our campus every year.
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Country & area | Institution | Student-exchange | |
1 | Germany | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | ✔ |
2 | Freie Universität Berlin | ✔ | |
3 | Heinrich - Heine - Universität Düsseldorf | ✔ | |
4 | Hochschule Bremen | ✔ | |
5 | Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | ✔ | |
6 | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | ✔ | |
7 | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | ✔ | |
8 | Philipps Universität Marburg | ✔ | |
9 | Stiftung Universität Hildesheim | ✔ | |
10 | Universität Duisburg-Essen | ✔ | |
11 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | ✔ | |
12 | Universität Regensburg | ✔ | |
13 | Universität Münster | ✔ | |
14 | Switzerland | Universität Basel | ✔ |
15 | Austria | Universität Wien | ✔ (accept only) |
16 | United States of America | California State University, Monterey Bay | ✔ |
17 | San Francisco State University | ✔ | |
18 | The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa | ||
19 | University of California, Davis | ✔ | |
20 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | ||
21 | University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | ✔ | |
22 | United Kingdom | Cardiff University | ✔ |
23 | Newcastle University | ✔ | |
24 | The University of Manchester | ✔ | |
25 | University of Essex | ✔ | |
26 | Canada | University of the Fraser Valley | ✔ |
27 | York University | ✔ | |
28 | University of Regina | ✔ (Short-term Program only) |
29 | Jamaica | The University of the West Indies, Mona | ✔ |
30 | Australia | Southern Cross University | ✔ |
31 | University of the Sunshine Coast | ✔ | |
32 | University of Wollongong | ✔ | |
33 | Indonesia | Bina Nusantara ( BINUS ) University | ✔ |
34 | Turkey | Boğaziçi University | ✔ |
35 | Czech | Masaryk University | ✔ |
36 | Ukraine | Kyiv National Linguistic University | ✔ (accept only) |
37 | France | Etudes Politiques de Lyon associé à l'Institut d'Asie Orientale |
✔ (accept only) |
38 | Université Catholique de l'Ouest | ✔ | |
39 | Université de Bourgogne | ✔ (Short-term Program only) |
40 | Université de Franche-Comté | ✔ | |
41 | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | ✔ | |
42 | Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | ✔ | |
43 | Spain | Universidad de Málaga | ✔ |
44 | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | ✔ | |
45 | Mexico | Universidad de Guadalajara | ✔ |
46 | China | Anyang University | |
47 | Beijing Normal University | ✔ | |
48 | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | ||
49 | Dalian University of Technology | ✔ | |
50 | East China Normal University | ✔ | |
51 | Fudan University | ||
52 | Taiwan | National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology | ✔ |
53 | National University of Tainan | ✔ | |
54 | Soochow University | ✔ | |
55 | South Korea | Catholic University of Daegu | ✔ |
56 | Inha University | ✔ | |
57 | Konkuk University | ✔ | |
58 | Kyung Hee University | ✔ | |
59 | Sogang University | ✔ | |
60 | Sungshin University | ✔ | |
61 | Japan | Temple University, Japan Campus | ✔ (Short-term Program only) |