Certificate of Eligibility and Visas

Certificate of Eligibility and Visas

To apply for a visa to study at Dokkyo University, international students must have a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by the Ministry of Justice of Japan.

To obtain a COE, you must submit to Dokkyo University your Application for Certificate of Eligibility (a form designated by the Ministry of Justice of Japan) together with your other application documents. Upon approval of your admission to Dokkyo University, we will apply for a COE from the Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau on your behalf. It normally takes about 2 months for a COE to be issued.

Upon receiving the COE from Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau, we will send a PDF of the COE to each student by e-mail. A printout of the PDF can be used to apply for a visa.

Please be sure to visit the Consular Office website to confirm in advance the documents that you will be required for your visa application.