Application Schedule

Application Schedule

Exchange students must be nominated by a partner university first. We inform our partner universities of the nomination and application deadlines every August.

Once we receive a nomination, we ask the partner university that has submitted it to upload the application documents online. The International Center informs the partner university of the URL for uploading the application documents by email.

Timeline from Nomination to Start of semester is as follows.⟺ Scroll

Fall semester

(Sep. - Jan.)

Spring semester

(Apr. - Jul.)

Mar. 15 Oct. 10 Deadline for nominations from partner institutions
By Apr. 20 By Nov. 5 Partner institutions submit the completed application documents of their nominees.
Apr. - May Nov. Screening at Dokkyo University
Late May - Early Jun. Late Nov. - Early Dec. Notification of admission to students and partner institutions
Early Jun. Early Dec. Dokkyo applies for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) at the Immigration Bureau. (*1)
Jun. Jan. Dokkyo sends the housing request form to students.
Jul. Jan. Dokkyo requests partner institutions to select one student for the Dokkyo University International Scholarship.
Aug. Feb. Dokkyo sends the COE in PDF format to students.
Aug. - Sep. Feb. - Mar. Students apply for a student visa at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate.
Aug. Feb. Students receive information about their housing and orientation schedule.
Late Aug. Early Mar. Students receive an email from their Dokkyo buddy.
Early Sep. Mid-Mar. Online orientation and the Japanese Placement Test
Students arrive in Japan.
Mid-Sep. Late Mar. Students move into the university housing. (*2)
Mid-Sep. Late Mar. - Early Apr. Orientation sessions
Sep. 24 Apr. 10 Classes start.

(*1) It takes about 2 months from application to issuance of the COE.

(*2)The date and time for moving into the university housing will be specified by Dokkyo. The date of arrival in Japan is not specified, but you should arrive in Japan at least one day before the move-in date to ensure that you will not be late for the specified move-in appointment.

The above schedule is subject to change. Please be sure to check the latest information from Dokkyo University.