

All exchange students are required to take out the following types of insurance.

1. National Health Insurance (NHI)

Please see the National Health Insurance page.

2. Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai)

This accident insurance is compulsory for all Dokkyo students. It covers any unexpected physical injuries that the student may experience while attending a lecture, a university event, an extra-curricular activity, or a research activity (on and off-campus) as well as while commuting to and from the university. You will need to pay the annual fee of 800 yen during the orientation period.

3. Inbound Insurance for International Students and Residence Insurance

These insurances cover when the student dies or is left with a permanent disability, personal liability when the student injures others or breaks other people's property, rescue expenses when the student is hospitalized for more than three days due to death or injury and when his/her guardian visits Japan, and tenant's liability for damages caused by fire or water damage in the accommodation.

An insurance policy with detailed coverage amounts and claim information will be distributed at orientation.

The insurance premium is approximately 5,500 yen/a semester, and approximately 8,500 yen/ two semesters. Payment is in cash, we will tell you where and how to make the payment at the orientation.

*The premium is subject to change.