Department of German

Department of German

Study the German language, and the history, society, and culture of German-speaking countries in the largest Department of German in Japan

Germany is the political and financial center of the EU. Today, as the EU expands toward the east, there is an increasing demand for personnel who excel at the German language and are familiar with the state of the society and culture in German-speaking countries. In the Department of German at Dokkyo University, we have developed a wide range of courses and seminars on German-speaking countries in order to foster students' understanding of these countries from the standpoints of both communication and culture. Under the direction of our extensive full-time and part-time faculty of both native and Japanese instructors - the largest number in the country - students can acquire strong language ability as well as specialized knowledge and logical thinking skills.

Comprehensive German Language Education

Learn German in our in-depth classes in small groups. In addition to speaking, we aim to cultivate comprehensive language skills including reading comprehension of specialized texts and debate.

A curriculum designed to deepen expertise

In order to develop specialists and to promote deeper learning, students are separated into three streams in the third year: 1. Language, Literature and Thought, 2. Arts and Culture, and 3. Modern Society and History.

Opportunities for study abroad

We offer abundant opportunities for students to study in German-speaking countries, starting with our German experience course. There are also summer training programs at affiliated schools, long-term study abroad programs, and internships in Germany.

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