

Dokkyo University (Faculty of International Liberal Arts) 獨協大学国際教養学部
Searching candidates for a full-time teaching position by contract (Soka-shi, Saitama-ken) 特任教員公募のお知らせ

Contract teacher (professor / associate professor / lecturer). 特別任用教員(特任教授/特任准教授/特任講師)


CLASSES to be taught:
(1) English I & II (1st year)
(2) English III & IV (2nd year)
(3) Advanced English (3rd year)
(4) English Seminar (2nd/3rd year), and other classes possibly including lectures
(5) Coordination of EFL teachers
Total ≒ 100 minutes x 6 komas. 合計100分×週6コマ前後(業績内容により講義科目担当の場合もあり)この他に教員間の連絡調整業務を行う.

4 days a week from Monday-Friday 月~金曜日のうち4日.

(1) Wage follows the university's rules 給与は獨協大学給与規定による.
(2) Transport fees are covered with limitation 通勤費は実費支給(上限あり).
(3) Eligible for social security services 社会保険(日本私立学校振興・共済事業団)・労災保険・雇用保険に加入.
(4) Private research budget and private office 個人研究費支給,個人研究室あり.
(5) Labour union (optional) 労働組合あり(加入は任意).

QUALIFICATIONS (all obligatory):
(1) Master's degree in TESOL/TEFL or in English literature 英語教育もしくは英語文学分野で修士号を取得していること.
(2) English teaching experience preferably for more than 3 years at university level in Japan 国内の大学相当教育機関において(なるべく3年以上の)英語教育歴を有すること.
(3) A person who can and is willing to teach in English comprehensible to students 学生が理解できる英語で熱意を持って授業を行えること.
(4) A person with a high practical skill in the Japanese language 業務に関わる高い日本語の運用能力を有すること.
(5) PhD students are not eligible 大学院博士課程在籍学生は応募できない.

DATE of employment:
1st of April, 2020 - 31st of March, 2023 (renewable once by mutual agreement 相互了解により1回のみ更新可能).

(1) Cover letter in English explaining the applicant's policy in ELT 英語教育に対する理念を記した英文カバーレター.
(2) Curriculum Vitae 履歴書 (Indicate the courses the applicant has taught 既担当授業名を明記のこと).
(3) List of publications 業績表 (Enclose copies of 3 selective publications from the list: academic books or articles published in academic journals; MA dissertations are not counted 学術的な著書もしくは論文の写しを3点同封すること.修士論文は対象外.).
Note: (2) and (3) must follow the university's format 履歴書及び業績表は大学指定の様式(下記サイトよりダウンロード可)を用いること.The forms can be downloaded from the university's website

DEADLINE for submission of application:
Friday, 5th of July, 2019 by which to complete delivery 7月5日(金)必着.

SEND application materials to:
Dean, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Dokkyo University,1-1 Gakuen-cho, Soka-shi, Saitama-ken 340-0042; to be marked "Full-Time English Teaching Position by Contract" in red. 〒340-0042 埼玉県草加市学園町1-1 獨協大学国際教養学部長室気付.「英語特任教員応募」と朱書すること.

AMMA Kazuo (ammakazuo@mac.com), Coordinator of the English Program,Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of International Liberal Arts. 国際教養学部言語文化学科英語科目コーディネーター 安間一雄

(1) Digital application will not be accepted. 電子メールでの応募は受理しない.
(2) Include in the CV a telephone number AND an email address that the applicant can be reached at on Wednesday, 10th of July, in the evening. 7月10日(水)夕刻以降に連絡可能な電話番号と電子メールアドレスを履歴書に付記すること.
(3) Only short-listed candidates will be contacted; they will be interviewed (including short teaching demonstration in English) on Sunday, 14th of July.
書類審査の結果は通過者のみに対して行う.該当者には7月14日(日)に面接審査(英語による簡単な模擬授業あり)を行う. [Transportation fee will not be reimbursed. 交通費は支給しない.]
(4) Academic publications submitted can be returned on request together with post-stamped and self-addressed envelope. 業績の写しは原則として返却しないが,希望する場合は切手を貼付した返信用封筒を同封すること.
(5) Applicants working for (or will be working for) other departments at Dokkyo University are not eligible for the present position. 獨協大学の他学科にて勤務する者およびその予定のある者は本件に応募できない.