健康管理と体調不良時の対応について 「体調観察表」と「行動記録表」をつけてください /Health monitoring and What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19 Please fill out and keep Health Check Form and Activity Record Sheet
(5月18日 更新 2.体調不良時の対応 4.海外からの帰国者へ を変更しました)
(4月29日 更新 体調観察表を一部修正しました)
(4月28日 公開)
Last updated May 18, #2 How to respond when you are not feeling well
#4 For returnees from overseas
Last updated April 29, partial modification for Health Check Form
Published April 28
【IMPORTANT】Health monitoring and What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19
3月25日付 在学生の方へ 通学にあたっての注意
4月13日付 【緊急】感染予防と健康管理について
Please fill out and keep Health Check Form and Activity Record Sheet
*Use this updated Health Check Form.
*The past messages as of the March 25 and April 13 from Dokkyo University Medical Services Center have been summarized in this page.
Please fill out Health Check Form and Activity Record Sheet regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms in order to prevent the spread of the infection of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
1.「体調観察表」と「行動記録表」をつけてください。/ Health Check Form and Activity Record Sheet
(1)Please fill out and keep Health Check Form for yourself, since it is necessary for the procedure of whether you can attend classes or not.
(2)Activity Record Sheet is necessary to follow an infection route in case you get in touch with an infected person or you get infected.
2.体調不良時の対応について / How to respond when you are not feeling well
◎症状が4日以上続く場合は、必ず「帰国者・接触者相談センター」にご相談くださ い。症状には個人差がありますので、強い症状と思う場合にはすぐに相談してください。解熱剤などを飲み続けなければならない方も同様です。
(1)If you have symptoms of cold or fever, please stay home.
(2)If you have a preexisting condition and have symptoms and/or if you are concerned about any illnesses other than the COVID-19 infection, please have a telephonic consultation with your family doctor.
(3)When to consult with the Returnee/COVID-19 Exposure Consultation Center
If the categories below apply, please consult with the center immediately,
☆Shortness of breath, fatigue, and/or high fever
☆Pregnant women, persons with pre-existing conditions or have other conditions(please see the list below), and/or have cold-like symptoms such as cough or fever
☆Those who do not have the above symptoms, but have mild and persistent cold/flu like symptoms
*Persons with the conditions below are said to be more susceptible to the COVID-19
・Pre-existing conditions include diabetes, heart disease, respiratory conditions, and renal issues (persons on dialysis)
・Other conditions are elderly population and persons taking immunosuppressant and/or on chemotherapy
If you have any symptoms for more than 4 days, please consult the Consultation Center immediately. As the symptoms vary between individuals, if you have a severe condition, we encourage you to check with the Consultation Center. That also applies to one who keeps taking antipyretics.
3.感染者、濃厚接触者の場合 *必ず保健センターへ連絡してください / In case you get infected or had close contact with people infected
Please be sure to contact Dokkyo University Medical Services Center.
4.海外からの帰国者について / For returnees from overseas
(2) 帰国した日を0日として、2週間(14日間)自宅待機し体調観察表をつけ、健康観察してください。
(3) 自宅待機中に息苦しさや強いだるさ、高熱等の症状がみられた場合は(高齢者や基礎疾患がある方は発熱やせきなどの比較的軽い風邪症状であっても)、すぐに「帰国者・接触者相談センター」に連絡し、指示を仰いでください。なお、入国時に検疫所から指示をうけている場合は、その指示に従ってください。
(1)Please follow the protocol as well as instructions issued by the airport quarantine. You will be required to fill out a questionnaire regarding symptoms and report body temperature upon arrival.
(2)Please stay home for 14 days after arrival. During the self-quarantine you should monitor and record your health conditions.
(3)If you experience shortness of breath, fatigue, or fever during the self-quarantine, please contact the returnee/COVID-19 exposure center immediately and follow their directions in addition to the ones from the airport quarantine.
We are updating our COVID-19 response page with new information. Please check back the University website regularly.
Dokkyo University Medical Services Center