新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染症拡大防止のための教職員の渡航等について / Restrictions on Overseas Travel of Dokkyo University Faculty and Staff to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染症拡大防止のための教職員の渡航等について / Restrictions on Overseas Travel of Dokkyo University Faculty and Staff to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

(3月11日更新 英文を追加しました)


In order to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Dokkyo University has restrictions on overseas travel to University Teaching Staff, Contract teaching staff, University Staff, Part-time Lecturer, Part-time Staff, Temporary Staff (hereinafter called faculty and staff) as follows.




1.Business Travel

(1)Avoid travelling to the areas with alert level 2 ("Refrain from nonessential, nonurgent travel") or more by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(2)Travels to the areas other than above (1) or domestic travels should be kept to a bare minimum. Please reschedule to a later date in principle, or look into alternative methods without moving such as a teleconference.



2.Personal Travel

Dokkyo University requests all faculty and staff to refrain all unnecessary or non-urgent personal travels, both domestic and overseas, according to Warning on Infectious Diseases by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

リンク 外務省感染症危険情報

Warning on Infectious Diseases by MOFA



Dokkyo University would like to ask for all your cooperation and appropriate actions in order to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease.